Saint-Gobain’s Annual Brand Supplier Conference|Foshan Ideal was recognized as ‘The Best Supplier among Asia - Pacific’ again|The president Mr. WUXIANG, WEI was praised as ‘The Model for China suppliers’
On 20th June, 2023, Saint-Gobain group held their annual brand supplier conference in Paris, France. Foshan Ideal stands out from over 200 suppliers in Asia-Pacific and be recognized as ‘The best supplier of the year’. This was the outcome unanimously voted by the top management of all BUs in Saint-Gobain Group. Additionally, the president and general manager of Foshan Ideal Mr. WUXIANG, WEI was praised as ‘The Model for China suppliers’.

法国圣戈班集团(Compagnie de Saint-Gobain)创办于1665年,设计、生产并分销应用于建筑和工业市场的材料和服务,现已成为欧洲最大的工业建材制造商。圣戈班在2022年《财富》全球500强名列252位,连续9年被评为全球100最具创新力企业。
Founded in 1665, Compagnie de Saint-Gobain designs, manufactures and distributes materials and services for the construction and industrial markets. And it has developed into the largest industrial building materials manufacturer in Europe. In 2022, Fortune Global 500 ranked 252. Saint-Gobain Group has been ranked as one of the 100 most innovative companies in the world for the 9 consecutive years.
Since 2005, Foshan Ideal has been designing and manufacturing shower enclosures for Saint-Gobain and now has grown into a global strategic partner of the group, serving as the exclusive Chinese supplier of shower enclosures.
当天,一年一度的的品牌大会由圣戈班集团建材分销总经理Jean-Jacques BOURHIS(布里斯先生)主持召开。圣戈班一直都以设计、品质、性价比、交期、服务这五个指标来选拔供应商,理想卫浴在五个指标数据均出类拔萃,理想卫浴及其董事长危五祥获得了圣戈班集团的高度肯定和赞赏。
The annual supplier conference was hosted by the general manager of the Building Distribution Sector of Saint-Gobain- Mr.Jean-Jacques BOURHIS on the day. The group’s selection on the suppliers are always based on 5 criteria: design, quality, price performance, delivery time, service. The outstanding performances of Foshan Ideal on these 5 aspects earning high recognition and appreciation from Saint-Gobain Group. And the president Mr. WUXIANG WEI also personally acknowledged by the group.
此外,在圣戈班本次供应商大会上,凭借 "独特的创新技术、高效的开发能力、一流的服务水平",理想公司开发的"NE系列"淋浴房项目被选为2023年度最成功的项目案例。
In addition, by virtue of exclusive innovative technology, high efficient design capacity as well as excellent service, the shower enclosures project that Foshan Ideal developed called ‘NE series’ has been referencing as ‘the best practice in 2023’ at this conference.