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【汉贝托专栏】我生命中最美好的10年 The Best 10 Years of my Life
来源:ICC视界 | 作者:ICC视界 | 发布时间: 1250天前 | 672 次浏览 | 分享到:


The Best 10 Years of my Life


     I couldn’t waste the opportunity to write this week about something that is extremely important to me; something that changed my life forever, something that change me as a person, as a professional and as a business man.


    This week we celebrate 10 years of being present in China manufacturing and distributing ceramic tile as a company and even though I have been in China for almost 15 years the last 10 have been without a doubt the most meaningful, the most enlighten and rewarding.


    I have learned, seen and experienced so many different things during this time. I want to mention and share with you a few of the most important that came to my mind that allowed not only me but also our company to do something remarkable.


  First, I realized how important it was to take the initiative, full responsibility and ownership to start our project in China. It makes a big difference to do it this way than to get directions from people above you. Leaders must always operate with the understanding that they are part of something greater than themselves and their own personal interests.

    第二, 我极快地学会了一些非常简单的东西:你不能一个人去做。你需要一个训练有素、专注并且与你的目标完全同步的团队。这个团队是公司最重要的资产。

   Second, I learned extremely fast something very simple; you can’t do it alone. You require a team that is well trained, focused and completely in sync with the objectives and goals that you have. This team is the most important asset of the company.

   第三, 我从一开始就知道这将是一场马拉松,它不是一个两或三年的项目,而是一个10年甚至更久的长期项目。如果你提前知道这一点,它会改变你的世界观、耐心、远见和预期。你需要为这场长跑做好准备,有时或许大多数时候,长跑永远不会结束。

    Third, I knew from the beginning that this was going to be a marathon, that this was not going to be a 2 or 3-year project but something long term 10 or more years. If you know this in advance it changes your outlook, patience, vision and expectative. You need to prepare yourself to run this long race that sometimes or most of the time never ends.

   第四, 你要以身作则,与时俱进,带头前行。大多数人(如果不是所有人的话)都希望你能做到这一点。他们在公司里对你的看法通常也是客户和其他人对你的看法,因为你是公司的面孔,他们会将你的公司与你的领导方式、外表、谈吐和行动联系起来。

    Fourth, you need to set the example, keep the pace, lead the way. Most if not all people expect that from you. The way they see you in the company is usually also the way the customers and other people see you as well and since you are the face of the company they associate your company on the way you lead, look, talk and act.

   第五, 我也很快学到,在中国,人们不允许或不习惯在一些有意义或重要的事情上做决定,大部分时间都让老板自己做决定。我努力做到包容,让我们的同事发出自己的声音,并给到他们成长和决策的权利,只有在绝对必要时才介入做出最终决定。

   Fifth, I learned also very fast that people in China were not allowed or were not used to take decisions over something meaningful or important and would leave that most of the time to the boss alone. I worked hard to be inclusive and give our people a voice and empower them to grow and decide and only intervene whenever was absolutely necessary to take the final decision.


   Sixth, knowledge is power I knew this very well and never ceased to keep learning different things that would help me become a better leader, person, boss, decision maker, presenter, designer, etc.


   Seventh, you should always consider your ability and the importance to arouse enthusiasm among your people who by the way is by far the greatest asset you possess.


   Success does not come of pure luck, it always comes with a very high price tag full of sacrifice, long hours of work, dedication, resiliency, perseverance, devotion to whatever you want to accomplish, love and commitment to your job, to your people, to your company and career and above all and more than anything else to the love of your family that has always been there to support you. And you need to have the heart of a dreamer, the mind of a writer, the willingness to take risks, the resilience to overcome obstacles, unmeasurable love to what you do and unwavering vision of what you want your company to be.


    The way you share and communicate the right message, the values, the mission, objectives, goals, the passion, the appreciation to your peers makes success replicable because excellence is sustainable and it is not promised it is ceased.


    As long as you are proud of who you and your company are and what you are fighting for there is nothing you can’t achieve. As long as you have confidence in your values, faith in your employees and trust in what you are doing you will never fail, we will never fail, our distributors will never fail, on the contrary they will thrive, our people will prosper and our brand will forever be strong and mighty.


    Some things started big and some other things started small like our company, but sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest changes of all. No one knows what changes big or small lie ahead, take Covid-19 as the greatest example. But one thing is for certain, our journey is not over. True commitment stands the test of time. I can wait to start the next 10 years in China and I can only hope that in some small way my time, and our time here in this wonderful Country will be remembered positively, with gratitude, and as an example to follow!

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